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Episode 33 - New Kids on The Deck
When the ship docks in New York, the kids find out that
they may have contracted the hepatitis-A virus while in the last port. Everyone is quarantined onboard, which gives
Tamiera and Sean plenty of time to reminisce about their first day on Breaker High. They start talking when Sean notices
that Max and Cassidy have broken up again. The flash back starts out with Tony and Nigel talking about what they expect
out of this year�s Breaker High. After Nigel shoots Tony down and refuses an "orientation beanie," the kids start to
come onboard the ship. Cassidy comes packing tons of sporting equipment, Alex with a broken leg, Ashley with three
vehicles worth of luggage and a cell phone constantly connected with Tyler, Denise who looks instantly for the library,
Tamiera who tells anyone who will listen about why she went to Breaker High, and Jimmy comes aboard with his parents.
Jimmy�s mother is having some withdrawal symptoms and wants to stay on Breaker High with her son. While they are
unpacking, Denise and Cassidy try to find out something in common, which turns out to be boys. Back in the present,
everyone gets hepatitis shots and then finds out that the hepatitis case was an isolated one. As everyone runs off the
ship (trampling Tony) Cassidy looks up at the sunset over the Statue of Liberty and says �isn�t that beautiful?� Max is
standing behind her and says, �it is.� He was going to apologize to Cassidy, when Sean and Tamiera ran by, this made him
change his mind.